2018. 8. 19.

[음악잡담] 웃기는 커플 사진모음 el cumbanchero

[음악잡담] 웃기는 커플 사진모음 el cumbanchero

[음악동영상 el cumbanchero]

El Cumbanchero

El cumba cumba cumba


A bongo bongo bongo


Riquiti que va sonando

el cumbanchero, bongocero que se va...

Bongocero que se va...

Y suena así el tambor: ríquititi

bom bom bom bom bá...

y vuelve a repicar ríquititi

bom bom bom bom bá...

투고자: marcos.sullivan, 月, 16/02/2015 - 20:17

Align paragraphs 영어 번역

The Fun Lover


The fun fun fun

fun lover

The bongo bongo bongo

bongo player

The ‘ri-ki-ti’ that rings out

The fun loving bongo player is going

The bongo player is going

The drum sounds like this: ‘ri-ki-ti’

bom bom bom bom ba...

and the ‘ri-ki-ti’ rings out again

bom bom bom bom ba...



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